We are a non-profit company that strives to help job seekers, make connections between employers and employees, and learn about the job market.

Helping Job Seekers

Here at the Job Connections Project we prioritize helping people currently looking for jobs navigate the process.

To help people find jobs, we post job ads directly on our website. For currently hiring positions, Search for Jobs.

We also have a dedicated team that provides free services for job seekers. Services being currently offered are (1) CV or Resume feedback and (2) an application autofill tool. If you are currently looking for a job, find more information about resume feedback and the autofill tool at Our Services.

We operate to help make applying to jobs easier for everyone.

JCP is here for you

If you are looking for a job and you have any questions, you can always reach out to us here at the Job Connections Project! Contact us at info@jobconnectionsproject.org.